Investors trust London, it will remain the main hub in the post-Brexit entrepreneurship

A survey by Seedrs reveals that 52% of respondents believe that London will continue to be the world’s main center for innovative businesses, while only 16% fear that London can loose that status to other international hubs. As for the remaining 32% said they did not know.

The survey also allowed investors and entrepreneurs to elect sectors in which they believe will have the greatest growth potential in the next twelve months. It showed that law and accounting arise to first place (29%), followed by industry (21%) and Financial Services (20%). The ranking is completed by the IT and Telecoms sectors (20%), Hospitality and Leisure (17%) and real estate (16%).

“The survey clearly shows that London continues to deserve the trust of investors and entrepreneurs who want to create and develop their business,” said Carlos Silva. The co-founder and president of Seedrs adds that “equity crowdfunding is a huge source of capital for entrepreneurs who seek and need financing.”

When asked about the possibility of increase in searching for alternative investments after Brexit, investors point to portfolio out diversification (93%) and tax benefits (39%) as the main arguments. And those who wish to make alternative investments, 69% say will invest heavily through crowdfunding.

The biggest fears of entrepreneurs in the post-Brexit period are more focused on uncertainty about the future than about the possible lack of access to financing. According to the survey, 41% of respondents say they are worried about the uncertainty surrounding regulatory changes, the same percentage fear trading losses, while 35% fear low levels of economic growth and 27% stresses the increase in unemployment. Only 15% say they are worried about the possibility of lack of access to funding after leaving the UK EU.

Seedrs is one of the largets equity crowdfunding platform worldwide. It allows individuals and institutions to invest the amount they wish in different companies with strong growth potential through a simple online process. It also allows companies of any sector and in different stages of growth to raise investment in a practical and transparent way. The platform is open to investors and companies in Europe, and supports campaigns and investment in euros and pounds.


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